Youth Ministry Academy
The Youth Ministry Academy is a three-day event to train and equip those who love ministering to youth, both paid professional youth ministers and those who do it for heavenly rewards. The Academy provides excellent training in an intimate environment, and draws youth workers from around the world and from mainline denominations. The Academy provides learning that leads to transformation., and wants to live at the crossroads between theology and practice.
At the Youth Ministry Academy, you will not only be challenged by great speakers but have the opportunity to think through practical implications for your ministry. You will have the opportunity to learn in workshops that explore a variety of topics. You can reconnect with God through worship and be encouraged by a community of folks who understand your love for teenagers.
Theology and Practice
The Youth Ministry Academy is about learning, growing, and discovering practical ways to do ministry with teenagers. You will be challenged to reflect theologically on why and how you do ministry, but you will also be encouraged and guided to develop practical tools that can be implemented in your church. Practical theology is at the heart of youth ministry.
We want you to learn. We named it an academy, after all. We believe that youth worker education and development is essential to building up the Kingdom. Each year, we bring in a keynote speaker who can educate, challenge, and guide us to new places. Participants have the opportunity to dig more deeply into topics with the leaders during workshops. We are intentional in offering learning opportunities for beginners through veterans at each workshop session.
Soul Care
Whether a professional or a volunteer, you have been called to share the Good News of Christ with youth. This amazing responsibility can be draining and so the Youth Ministry Academy hopes to do more than educate you. We hope that you will experience Soul Care through conversations with others who share your passion, by encouraging you, and by providing you a space in which to worship and be renewed in your call.
The Youth Ministry Academy is an intimate space. Conference leaders will be available and accessible to you. We limit the size of the conference to 300 youth workers to keep the size of workshops down and allow participants to get to know each other. We hope you will join us.